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The Benefits of Robotic-Assisted Peritoneal Vaginoplasty

A Major Advancement in Gender-Affirming Surgery

The Benefits of Robotic-Assisted Peritoneal Vaginoplasty

With the ability to create a well-vascularized, full-depth vaginal canal while minimizing recovery time and scarring, robotic-assisted peritoneal flap vaginoplasty is a compelling option for those seeking vaginoplasty. As more long-term data becomes available, this newer procedure continues to establish itself as a safe, effective, and high-quality alternative to traditional penile inversion vaginoplasty. More »

MTF Surgery Guide

MTF SurgeryMTF Surgery provides comprehensive patient education for trans women and non-binary individuals seeking "Male-to-Female" Surgery procedures, including Vaginoplasty, Orchiectomy and Facial Feminization. Learn all about MTF Surgery and connect with the amazing surgeons who are dedicated to providing gender-affirming care. Use our free resources to find the procedure and surgeon that are right for you.

Looking for a Surgeon? MTF Surgery's partner surgeons offer the full spectrum of male-to-female surgery, including:

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Use It or Lose It: The Importance of Dilation Following Vaginoplasty

Use It or Lose It: The Importance of Dilation Following Vaginoplasty Post-operative vaginal dilation is an integral part of the initial surgery recovery and the regular maintenance of the neo-vagina. Dilation may not be pleasant but it's essential to follow your surgeon's dilation protocol in order to prevent loss of depth of your new vagina. More »

A Patient's Guide to Pre-Operative Hair Removal for Vaginoplasty

A Patient's Guide to Pre-Operative Hair Removal for Vaginoplasty Pre-operative hair removal is considered a medical necessity for most forms of Vaginoplasty and there's a lot to learn before getting started. Get the information and tips you need to help you get the most out of your treatment. More »

Dr. Walter LinDr. Walter Lin

Dr. Lin is a fellowship-trained Plastic Surgeon who performs gender-affirming Breast Augmentation for at the Buncke Clinic/San Francisco Transgender Institute.

Dr. Lee ZhaoDr. Lee Zhao

Dr. Zhao is a distinguished reconstructive urologist and gender surgeon at NYU Langone Health who specializes in robotic-assisted peritoneal vaginoplasty.

Map of Vaginoplasty Surgeons

MTF Surgery Surgeons Map

Dr. Christopher McClungDr. Chris McClung

Board-certified urologist with a 100% gender care focused practice in Columbus, Ohio. Highly experienced with Vaginoplasty and Orchiectomy.

Dr. Kriya GishenDr. Kriya Gishen

Dr. Kriya is a highly trained plastic and craniofacial surgeon in Beverly Hills who specializes in Facial Feminization Surgery, as well as Body Sculpting and Breast Augmentation.

Surgery Spotlight: Orchiectomy

Learn more about this surgery procedure that many trans women find necessary to reduce androgen production and lower HRT doses. More »

Dr. Hope SherieDr. Hope Sherie is a board-certified surgeon in Charlotte who is an experienced provider of Orchiectomy.

Choosing a Vaginoplasty Technique

Understanding the different types of Vaginoplasty will help you make a more informed decision about which one is right for you. More »

Dr. Dany HannaDr. Dany Hanna is a fellowship-trained Gender Surgeon in Dallas who works exclusively with trans and non-binary people.

Should I Consider Vulvoplasty?

Vulvoplasty is an alternative to Vaginoplasty that has the look and function female genitalia but without the creation of a vaginal canal. Vulvoplasty is requested by a growing number of patients. More »

Dr. John WhiteheadDr. John Whitehead's Restore Medical Center is the only surgery practice in Miami that is 100% devoted to gender-affirming care.

Peritoneal Vaginoplasty

Peritoneal Vaginoplasty is a relatively new development in Gender Surgery that continues to establish itself as a safe and effective alternative to traditional penile inversion vaginoplasty. More »

Dr. Rachel Bluebond-LangnerDr. Rachel Bluebond-Langner is a recognized leader in robotic peritoneal vaginoplasty. She and Dr. Lee Zhao at NYU Langone developed the technique.

Non-Binary Surgical Options

Historically, gender-affirming bottom surgery has been binary in nature. However, there's an increasing number of Gender Surgeons who offer individualized treatment options for non-binary people seeking bottom surgery. More »

Dr. Heidi WittenbergDr. Heidi Wittenberg is an experienced urogynecologist in San Francisco who works exclusively with trans and non-binary patients, specializing in genital surgeries.

Gender Surgery in Thailand

Thailand offers an unbeatable combination of highly experienced surgeons, state-of-the-art medical facilities, affordability, and warm hospitality. Find out why Thailand continues to top the list of surgery destinations for trans women year after year. More »

Dr. Kamol PansritumDr. Kamol Pansritum is one of the most experienced Gender Surgeons in the world. He performs more than 200 Vaginoplasty surgeries a year in Bangkok.

Breast Augmentation 101

Breast Augmentation is a surgery procedure that transforms a masculine-looking chest into breasts that have a feminine shape and size. Using breast implants, Breast Augmentation can provide a female breast contour when hormone replacement therapy alone has proved insufficient for breast development. More »

Dr. Shahin JavaheriDr. Shahin Javaheri is a double board-certified plastic surgeon in San Francisco with close to 30 years of experience in facial, breast and body sculpting procedures.

Surgeon Experience Matters

There are significant differences between trans and cis chest measurements that have implications regarding breast implant selection and surgical approach. This underscores the importance of selecting a surgeon who has experience specifically with MTF Breast Augmentation. More »

Dr. Scott Mosser Dr. Scott Mosser is a highly experienced gender surgeon based in San Francisco who specializes in gender-affirming Breast Augmentation.

Breast Augmentation With Fat Transfer

On its own, fat grafting is limited in how much breast volume it can contribute. However, used in conjunction with breast implants, fat transfer can play an important role in chest feminization. More »

What Is Board Certification?

The concept of board certification is not particularly transparent to consumers. This is unfortunate because understanding what board-certified means is critical for patients. Here's what you need to know. More »